Coleman Quest

Where will your quest take you?

Coleman Quest is an outdoor adventure program specifically designed for rising 6th – 10th graders looking for a non-traditional camp experience. Grounded in the phrase “Chazak v’Amatz” (Be Strong and Courageous), Quest campers seek to push beyond their limits and expand their comfort zone both above ground and below. Activities in and out of camp help campers develop an awareness of who they are, what they can do, and who they can become. Coleman Quest also provides unparalleled opportunities to conquer our new Courageous Warrior Course and find your strength within.

Sample Schedule
(7th & 8th Grade Program)

Session SequenceActivity
Day 1Arrival
Day 2Courageous Warrior Course Orientation
Day 3Day Hike
Day 4Group Initiatives
Day 5-6Out of Camp Trip
Day 7Shabbat
Day 8Overnight Hike
Day 9Out of Camp Trip
Day 10“Ani v’Ani”
Day 11The Finale/Celebration
Day 12Departure

*Daily activities include 1-2 periods on the Courageous Warrior Course and High/Low Ropes Course