by Raphaella Ruggiero, Photographer and Communications Specialist
Want to know what Bonim have been up to during their Masheshu and evening programs? Well you’re in the right place!
The first week of camp is drawing to an end and in that week, the Bonimers have been doing some big things!
In the first mashehu, Bonim campers talked about their goals from the summer, and then they chose a single sentence and wrote them on strips of paper. At the end, everyone shared what they chose, and then joined the papers together into a paper-chain. Bonim’s unit programming theme is stories, so they went on to talk about how everyone’s goals are interconnected and how everyone is each a part of a bigger a story. In other mashehus the campers had a song session to learn all the songs that are sung at camp. They also wrote ‘Shabbat-o-grams’ to their Chalutzim buddies, which they then met in at a Bonim-Chalutzim buddies pool party during an evening program. This included ice cream, watermelon and a ton of fun!
During a particular evening program, they read the book No Rules for Michael, which is about the Ten Commandments. They went on to talk about why rules are important, why we follow them, and what happens if we don’t. They also spoke about which commandments are applicable to their unit. In their latest evening program, they participated in the ‘Camper-Staff Challenge’ where they had to compete with staff members to do different challenges. These challenges included getting an Oreo from their forehead into their mouth without using their hands, a spelling bee, leap frog to name a few!