From swimming in the lake to shooting arrows at archery, the Nachshonim unit has been super busy over the past week! The highlights of the week for the campers have been the evening programs. The theme for this years unit is SUPERHEROS, so they had a whole evening program based around this creating superhero names and what each of their special powers would be. This allowed them to express themselves in a new and creative way.
One of the most popular events at camp was Mini Maccabiah! This program was strategically placed early on to help the bonding among themselves as well as with other units. The teams were red and blue as Kochavim, rising fifth graders geared up to play, compete, and experience with Nachshonim. The mini mac included many activities, but most of the events derived from camp life and Judaism!
Nachshomin’s most recent program was “Chopped”, a battle where foods and cooking skills were put to the test, resulting in a Chopped Champion! The popular American reality TV show consists of a challenge to make a three-course meal and win over the judges taste buds. Five teams competed to create three impostor dishes out of candy. Their first course had to use candy to create a salad, so many of them crushed up green sweets to make it look like lettuce and rolled red candy into a ball to make it look like tomatoes.
All of these programs just provide a short insight into the life of a Nachshonimer. They look forward to the rest of the summer. It will only get better and better!