Kesher is our second oldest unit here at Camp Coleman. Kesher means “Connection,” and while it is not one of our camp’s four core values, connection is a quality we strive to foster within this community. This summer, I have seen that connection flourish in Kesher.


A highlight of Kesher is the overnight trip we embark on. For two days and one night, Kesher ventured on an adventurous journey that included 20 zip lines and 5 stages of ropes courses. After a tiresome day, we gathered around a campfire, singing songs under the stars outside our offsite bunks. We wrapped up the trip with an exhilarating day of white water rafting, followed by long naps on the bus ride home.

As our session comes to a close, I could tell you about the fun activities such as super sloppy night, the pool party, or the silent disco. However, I’d rather share something more significant. The most important thing I’ve observed this session is growth. In the month that your kids have been with us, they have displayed immense growth, communicated with one another during challenging times, and, above all else, shown care and love for their fellow campers and their unit as a whole. It has truly been an awe-inspiring summer to be a part of. While they are excited to see you all, I know this goodbye for the summer of 2024 will be bittersweet. Thank you all.