The first session of the Chalutzim unit was particularly emotional, as it was the last time for the oldest campers to be at camp as campers. The kids have grown up here and have been coming for years as campers in various units. This summer was their final time. Throughout the session, they didn’t think about the end of their camper days because they were too busy having fun.
By the second week, we went on a four-day trip, visiting Tennessee, Alabama, and Atlanta. Alongside many fun activities, such as white-water rafting and the Atlanta Aquarium, we had numerous educational experiences, including visits to the city of Selma and the Temple Beth-El in Birmingham, Alabama. During the trip, we delved deeper into the history of the Jewish community in particular and the South of the USA in general.
The Chalutzim received their Bonim buddies in the first week, which was especially exciting. The youngest campers looked up to the oldest campers and had a lot of fun together. Among other activities, the campers enjoyed Maccabiah, and as Chalutzim, they led the teams – the Reds and the Blues – throughout the competitions. Although the Red team won, all the campers enjoyed themselves and bonded with each other and the younger units.
It was only in the last week, when the Chalutzim led the prayers, that the realization set in that the end was near. The ending was filled with sadness because what was will be no more – the experience of being campers at Camp Coleman will not return. However, we finish the session with hope that the kids will become leaders in their communities and will live by the values they grew up with at camp – Chesed (kindness), Kehilah (community), Shalom (peace), and Kavod (respect). We hope they will return in the coming years for the Israel trip, then for Machon, and eventually as staff members at camp.
Thank you very much, Chalutzim, for an especially successful first session!