Bonim’s Coleman journey is just beginning. Many campers are here for the very first time. Because of this, we have the unique opportunity to introduce them to camp traditions and help them start building friendships that will last a lifetime. Our goal is to show them how special it is to be part of this community so that they will look forward to returning in the years to come.
One of the ways we show our campers everything that Coleman has to offer is through our activity rotations. The unit is split into small groups, each of which visits a different set of specialty areas every day. From Krav Maga to tech theater to Jewish cooking and more, they constantly have the chance to try something new. As a songleader attached to the Bonim unit, I love that by the end of the session, I will have brought the music of Coleman to every single one of my campers.
We’ve also had several amazing unit-wide programs, including a pool party, What’s in Your Pillowcase night, and best of all, Bonim Buddies. All of our youngest campers were paired with a camper in our oldest unit, Chalutzim. They had a blast making candy sushi together. It is so special to watch the bonds forming between them. Campers often ask to visit their buddy at meals, and they might even get to spend time with them during free periods like Chofesh or Mandatory Optionals. It is truly a wonderful experience for all involved.
There are still so many exciting programs to come, including s’mores making, Super Sloppy Night (where everyone ends up laughing, running, and covered in shaving cream), and of course, color war. But for now, our Bonim campers are well on their way to having an absolutely unforgettable summer.