This past week at camp has been an exciting one for the Solelim unit as they began meeting camp’s wonderful staff, trying new activities, eating Coleman’s famous Apple Brown Betty, and making new friends in and outside of the bunk. During this first week, the campers had the opportunity to rotate through activities to get a taste of all the Coleman has from the rock wall, dance classes, ceramics, tie-dye, gaga, and cooking classes! Further, evening programs included a fashion show where campers dressed their counselors to the theme, a soccer/dodgeball program, and “guess that song” The Solelim unit is excited to continue pursuing their interests as we begin our chosen activities for all rotations!
This summer our campers will be focused on discovering the value of community and connections within all communities from camp to school to the greater Jewish community. Through various team-building activities, healthy competition at evening programs (fashions shows and dodge ball games), and group discussions regarding ways to treat one another, our unit is quickly transforming into one Kehillah Kadosha, a holy community. Solelim has also spent time learning about kindness and consent in all of the things we do. Overall, Solelim is having a wonderful time creating new relationships, diving deeper into their Judaism, and discovering unthinkable fun, all in the mountains of Cleveland, Georgia.