Passover begins on a Friday night this year, which means no Apple Brown Betty. Or does it? Your family can have your Betty and eat it too this Passover with the flour-less version of our cook Nellie’s famous recipe! Nellie shared this recipe so everyone can have a taste of Coleman in their homes this Passover.

7 cups sliced apples- about 7 medium apples
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
3 cups brown sugar
3 cups matzoh meal
2 sticks margarine or butter

Peel core and slice apples in a mixing bowl. Mix sugar, apples, and cinnamon. Put into a 9×13 baking dish. Mix brown sugar, matzoh meal, and melted butter until crumbly, like a streusel topping. Put on top of apple mixture and bake at 325 degrees for about 45 minutes or until brown and apples are done.

Serves 6-8

Wishing you and your family a chag sameach!
The Camp Coleman Year-round Team