Good Afternoon!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Summer 2020 Launch! We look forward to spending meaningful moments with you throughout the summer. Here are some of the highlights from the launch:

    • Introducing the COLE-CAM, our LIVE Coleman webcam!  When you are home and thinking of your summer home, click here to take in a little essence of camp. The Cole-cam will be available every day from 4:00pm-9:00pm. The password to watch the feed is Oursummerhome30528.

Check out our most up to date Coleman Virtual Programming Calendar!

  • We will be hosting a weekly Shabbat Walk followed by a Kabbalat Shabbat. Please join us on Fridays at 5:30pm.
  • Unit Havdalah! Every Saturday evening, a different unit will join together to have a Havdalah service and unit program. Refer to the calendar  to see when your unit will be gathering!
  • We have partnered with Lost Tribe Esports to provide some online gaming opprotunities with other Jewish teens across the nation. These games will include Minecraft, Smash Bros, and Madden 20 XB1.


We are still in the process of planning many more events for this summer. They include:

      • A Virtual PLAY! (You will be receiving a survey soon to gauge interest)
      • Machon workshops
      • Letter Lotto
      • Virtual Maccabiah (Color War)
      • Friday Night Live
      • RJ on the Go (Jewish Life in your Family Life)

Last Chance to Order Coleman SWAG!

You have one week left to order your Coleman SWAG! The store will close on June 14th and Coleman receives a percentage of all sales. Don’t miss you chance and order now!

We look forward to all of the fun we will have this summer!

The Year-Round Coleman Team