What will i gain from the Machon experience?

The Machon program represents our efforts at Coleman to develop the future leaders of our Reform Jewish camp. We are seeking the best and brightest applicants for our Machon programs because we believe that our staff is our most valuable resource. With a competent, knowledgeable, enthusiastic group of camp counselors and specialists, we know that our camp will continue to offer a special Jewish camping experience each summer. 

Camp Coleman values all of our Machon programs as effective programs to train future staff members. All three options include the opportunity to earn community service hours and the opportunity to earn a Red Cross Lifeguard certification which is good for 2 years. 

In addition to their training sessions, all Machon have real, meaningful opportunities to work directly with campers. Every Machon participant will do “internships” in a specialty area, where they will get to first observe, and then help teach the specialty. They will also do “internships” in a bunk, where they will become a part of that cabin community and get to experience almost everything a counselor does. 

 Please note – All programs will have opportunities to socialize with each other and work together at times. 

Why should i participate in a MAchon program?

To learn, grow, and laugh. Any program you choose will teach you skills on how to be a great staff member but all of those skills are transferrable to life outside of camp. Past Machon often say their Machon year, regardless of program, was their favorite year as at camp. 

How Should i decide which program to apply for?
  • We offer 3 programs with different time frames because of all the time commitments and expectations for a Machon’s summer.  
  • Assuming you come back on staff (hopefully you do!), you should also think about which program will help you the most and prepare you the best for your time on staff. 
  • We know a huge aspect of choosing your Machon program is choosing which programs applied for but think about the full picture and what would be best for you this summer. All of the programs will see each other and able to create bonds with new and old friends 
  • For those interested in the Machon Adventure Program 
    • This program is best for teens that have a desire to grow as individuals and learn to push their own limits. The ideal candidates have a desire to try new things and step outside their comfort zone. 
What is the application process for the Machon Programs?

Application Process: The Machon programs are open to rising 12th graders. They are selective programs and all participants must complete the application process. Applicants are evaluated based on the strengths of their application, reference and interview with a Coleman representative. 

Applicants will be notified by e-mail of their application status by January 15

What do Machon do?

The Machon participate in interactive training sessions focusing on camp leadership skills, child development, and behavior management, so that they can become effective camp leaders as counselors and specialists.  Included in every Machon’s training are a wide variety of opportunities to learn and grow as cabin counselors or specialists based on the participant’s assignment to a specific bunk or specialty.  The program is designed so that participants can learn about children, group development, and their own strengths/limitations based upon active involvement in a specific cabin group or specialty area. 

PLEASE NOTE: The Machon Programs are leadership development and training programs.  Machon are NOT staff and do not share the same responsibilities or privileges as contracted staff members.  Our emphasis in the program is to provide participants with an opportunity to work directly with campers and other staff members and to reflect on their experience. 

Where will my program take place?
  • Machon Full Summer Program – First session – Machon Village, Second Session – in a bunk 
  • Machon 6 Week Program – First session – Machon Village, Second session – in a bunk 
  • Machon Adventure Program – Black Rock Mountain Campsite and Machon Village 
What are the dates?
  • Machon Full Summer Program – June 8 -August 1 2025
  • Machon 6-Week Program – June 8 – July 18, 2025
  • Machon Adventure Program – June 30- August 1, 2025
What do the Machon in the Full Summer and 6 Week programs do during second session?

During the 2nd session, they will live in bunks with campers in order to ensure a full and meaningful experience for all involved.  There will be no guarantee as to which age group a Machon will be assigned.  It is our intention to place each Machon where we feel they will perform best and availability however it is our expectation that all participants will perform to the best of their abilities no matter where they are assigned. Of course, the Machon 6 Week program will only live in the bunk for 2 weeks.  

What does Machon Adventure Program do during second session?

After returning from their incredible experience, the Machon Adventure Program will bring what they’ve learned from their experience into the camp environment and use the skills to participate in interactive training sessions focusing on camp leadership skills, child development, and behavior management, so that they can become effective camp leaders.  Included in every Machon training are a wide variety of opportunities to learn and grow as cabin counselors and specialists based on the participant’s assignment to a specific bunk or specialty.  The program is designed so that a Machon participant can learn about children, group development, and their own strengths/limitations based upon active involvement in a specific cabin group or specialty area. 

What do the Machon Full Summer and Machon 6 Week do during intersession?

The Full Summer Machon and Machon  6 Week go on an intersession trip to spend time together, regroup, and re-energize before moving into the bunk second session. They will arrive back in time move into their bunk and meet their co-staff.  

If I do Machon Adventure, how does luggage work?

You will pack 2 bags. 1 bag that will fly with your Machon to be brought on the week long camping trip. The other you should send to camp in the same way you’ve done so in the past. A packing list for the week trip, will be sent out as the trip comes closer.  

When is Machon Weekend?

March 28 – 30, 2025 at Camp Coleman 

What if I can’t make the Machon Weekend?
  • Machon weekend is HIGHLY recommended, attendance should be a top priority for that weekend. We understand that our Machon applicants are very busy and not everyone can make it.  
  • Missing the weekend won’t affect acceptance into your program of choice  
If I want to do any of the Machon Programs, but have a mandatory commitment during the time at camp, is that allowed?

Within reason we are very flexible with prior commitments during the summer and will do whatever we can to work with you on it. Please disclose that in the application and via email after acceptance. 

Who is the main contact for Machon related questions?

Justin Levy, one of camp’s assistant director’s. You can contact him at jdlevy@urj.org 

It is expected that Machon attend an in-person orientation weekend at Camp Coleman which has been set for the weekend of March 28 – 30, 2025. 

This is an important weekend to meet each other, learn about the program, and have fun. Attendance is HIGHLY recommended.